Friday, September 26, 2008

Making things happen

If you’re anything like me, you’ve got a million goals, plans and ideas and not enough time in the day to put a dent in any of them. I may pick one or two of my ideas and go gang busters working to get it going, and then another fun thing comes along and I get excited and go gang busters getting that one up and running.

There are a few downsides to this. The biggest being I am in the middle of a bunch of really great projects that aren’t done! It’s easy to see how this can happen next year too with all of us excited about our New Year’s resolutions. What happens to a lot of us is either my scenario above or the opposite happens - nothing because you don’t know where to start.

With that said, I have a recommendation on how to handle this strange phenomenon this year…make very small commitments that you know you can fulfill. By keeping your commitments small and simple you will have more flexibility to change, and more freedom to try different ways to keep your commitments.

Here are a few examples of what I’m talking about…

You may commit to doing one additional marketing piece or trying one new marketing strategy a month. Something simple. By the end of the year that really means that you will be trying 12 different marketing methods.

Another idea is to commit a certain amount of time to a specific project. For example, if you have a goal to write a book this year or develop products to sell online, set aside one hour a week (or a day - whatever you can commit too) that is devoted to meeting this one goal.

I am not going to say I am going to work out every day after I drop the kids off at school. Yes, while being healthy is important, making such a stringent commitment realistically won’t happen. A better commitment may be to promise myself that I will work out consistently this year. For me that could be two times a week as opposed to my sometimes every day and other times nothing for three months.

Other ideas of small goals that can make a big difference in your day are to:

– Only check emails at 8:00 and 2:00

– Have a cup of coffee once a week with a new friend or business acquaintance

– Take two hours off in the middle of the week that’s free time

– Do one self-improvement tool or book or something a month

– Post on other people’s blogs once a week

But the deal is whatever commitment you do make, you have to stick to it. So keep your promises simple and realistic.

If you’ve taken the time to develop long term goals and strategies for your business (or your personal life) that is great. You’ve done more than most people I know. If you don’t want this years resolutions or commitments to fall by the wayside, break those long term goals into super short smaller commitments that you know you can keep.

In my newsletter I talked about discipline and keeping your word to yourself. Now is the time to be thinking about what commitments you do make and your ability (or inability) to keep them. For us entrepreneurs and small business owners, oftentimes ANY commitment we make is one we make to ourselves only. No one knows about them, and no on else will hold you accountable to keeping them. Plug your commitments into a calendar, schedule the time with yourself to get them done, and don’t make a commitment or resolution unless you know you will keep it.

No one else knows you are making it, and no one knows if you break it.

Except the all important you.

—————————————————- Author of Healthcare Copywriting Secrets Revealed, Kelly Robbins

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