Saturday, March 1, 2008

Message From The President

Message From The President As I sit here in my office writing this for the newsletter, I have been reflecting over my last 15 years in business here in Eureka. For the most part, they have been very good years. Any difficult times are easily forgotten as they were overcome and survived. Experience teaches us that we learn from challenges and we savor the successes. The most memorable experiences are the ones that focus on learning, growing, working with certain people and the community, and those times when going the extra mile for any one of those made a tremendous difference to both my business and the people who benefited from those experiences. When economic times are uncertain and worrisome, we have a choice. We can fold up shop or we can pull together to come up with creative community marketing events, helping each other get through the tough times, sharing ideas and opportunities that work to generate business and even commiserating when things don't work out perfectly. The Chamber of Commerce is a group of local business people that do exactly that. So what does this letter mean to the citizens of Eureka and the businesses in Eureka? The citizens of Eureka will continue to buy gas at almost $3.00 for their SUV's, they will continue to buy cloths for their children, and if their TV breaks they will buy new ones, and hopefully from me. The greatest service you can do for your city is shop and buy in Eureka when you can. I know that we currently are not a one-stop shop, and that there are things that you will have to buy elsewhere, but please shop Eureka when you can. Citizens, City Hall, and your Chamber are working together to bring a better future for all of us in this triumvirate. Leland S. Kropp Jr. President of the Eureka Chamber

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