Monday, September 29, 2008

MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT As the chamber winds down from our 50th Eureka Days celebration it gives me pause to reflect on just how far our city has come over the last 150 year. Daily I hear people grumble about the things that we do not have. Why don't we have a Lowes or a Home Depot? These things will come in time, but what we need to do is cherish the things that we do have. What do we have? We have a small home town. Atown where if you are a citizen and want to make a difference you can. Another great thing is our school system. Our school system is celebrating its 100 year anniversary. I have a friend that lives in the city but would never dream of sending his children to the public schools. My friend has everything that our town wants but he is also experiencing things that we don't need. A third quality is our local parks. We have a town that is surrounded by state and public parks, more than you can shack a stick at and all these are 15 minutes from our home. In all, Eureka is full of great qualities. But on a more serious note, lets put things into perspective and look more closely at where we are going. We need to take pride in what Eureka has because some day, in the not to distant future, we will have all of the amenities of life. After we achieve all the amenities we might see our citizens moving away to find a simpler life, in a smaller town, further down Highway 44 and this is because they received everything that they wished for. Call your chamber office today and pickup a copy of the history of Eureka. This wonderful book was put together by our Historic Society and is a must have for just $65.00. Myreka, Oureka, Eureka Leland S. Kropp Jr. President of your Eureka Chamber of Commerce The 3-C's working together to build a better tomorrow Citizens-City Hall- and your Chamber of Commerce

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